Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's a coup that took 1500 years to destroy, rebuild and go full circle.

The size of recently discovered shipyard buildings in Italia shows what the unlawful coup now destroying the economy had to destroy; this is an example of the enormity of what they had to destroy to illegally seize power over the West.

"Few Roman Imperial shipyards have been discovered and, if our identification is correct, this would be the largest of its kind in Italy or the Mediterranean," dig director Simon Keay, of the University of Southampton, said in a statement. [See image of ancient shipyard]

Portus was a crucial trade gateway linking Rome to the Mediterranean during the Imperial period (27 B.C. to A.D. 565). The area was initially built during the time of Emperor Trajan (A.D. 98 to 117). Excavation at the site has revealed that it had many uses, including to store grain and as a defensive measure.

The shipyard building — measured at 475 feet (145 meters) long and about 200 feet (60 m) wide — was about three times the height of a double-decker bus. Within the building, large brick-face concrete pillars, some nearly 10 feet (3 m) wide and still visible in part, supported at least eight parallel bays with wooden roofs.

With buildings the size of this one, it supports what I have written for two years.

This world is gripped by an unlawful coup that destroyed Rome to seize power. In the process they destroyed and rebuilt civilization as they wanted. The Germanic and Jewish coup started on 11 September 9, but took hold in 476 when Odoacer kidnapped, (unlawfully) imprisoned and murdered Julius Nepos and Romulus Augustus.

Their ancestors had a master plan out of hate for Ottaviano Augusto and Giulio Cesare; they are unlawful parties to it at this hour. The public stands hoodwinked and catatonic as they are murdered and robbed by the same "eternal"cabal.

The coup destroyed our lawful Roman Empire stretching from Spain to North Africa to Britain to Russia and guided the world through a 1500 year sham of disastrous proportions.

If we started tomorrow and used the usurpers' own methods, it might take 1500 years to take it back by force of arms.


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