Saturday, September 17, 2011

Loans are so certain Papandreou cancels US visit

Yes folks, George Papandreou, guest of Charlie Rose's ongoing CFR Roundtable has decided his country needs him and not the USA. After all, Tim just provided Euro Home Delivery, anyway.

His office said he had decided to return as "next week is particularly crucial" in efforts to secure the country's next bailout loan.

...The decision comes a day after eurozone ministers delayed a decision on releasing more money to Greece.

Eurozone leaders will now decide in October whether to release the next 8bn euros ($11bn; £7bn).

The BBC's Chris Morris says there are different views within the zone about whether Greece has done enough to deserve further loans.

October ? Oh my. That puts the riot "schedule" well into January now, if not February.

In fact, Beware the Ides of March.

It was just yesterday that the great savior of the world was going to be Federal Reserve loans (read devaluation for you Americans) and European Central Bank loans for three months to take us into the Christmas bacchanalian distract-a-thon.

Mr Papandreou had planned to attend UN General Assembly and IMF meetings.

Does it seem particularly settling that he canceled meetings with the very body issuing part of the loan ?

October's loan decision will be based on assessments by the three lenders, the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank.

Oh my.

It's more instability by choice. This will be another interesting week for the markets, almost like... an overt attack staged in front of the stupid and clueless.


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