Saturday, September 10, 2011

Quintili Vare, legiones redde ! Artificial construct had darker backing on 9/11

"And ever after he observed the anniversary of this calamity, as a day of sorrow and mourning."


Rethink who was really behind 9/11.

The U.S. government has long known that terrorists see the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and other uniquely American dates as opportunities to strike. Officials have also been concerned that some may see this anniversary as an opportunity to avenge bin Laden’s death.

The point is made, though to say September 11 is "uniquely American" is conscious propaganda to establish a bogus disconnect, when the government knows full well its significance to German nationalists. This means the SS and its Bormann, Bilderberg, Thule and other overlapping hostiles which now exist as hereditary societies.

Abdel-Jalil they said chose to start the attack on Tripoli on the 20th day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which fell on Saturday. The date marks the ancient Islamic Battle of Badr, when Muslims first fought for the holy city of Mecca in A.D. 624.

So whose anniversary is 9/11 ? German nationalists. Their allies in the late World War ? Arab nationalists. Who attacked on 9/11 ? Germanic puppets. It must be understood this was not the German people. These were the same elements that melted away after WWII as CBS reporter Paul Manning documented. It's not funny and it's not a joke. Consider how, after WWII, you were conditioned to not only think those that implicate certain Jewish families in world control are anti-Semites, but to laugh at the notion that real Nazis still exist and govern themselves by rank. Der Spiegel reported:

In September 9 AD, Germanic tribesmen slaughtered three Roman legions in a battle that marked the "big bang" of the German nation and created its first hero -- Hermann. The country is marking the 2,000th anniversary with restraint because the myth of Hermann remains tainted by the militant nationalism that would later be associated with Hitler...

There's a third one coming up in September that represents nothing less than the birth of the German nation -- the 2,000th anniversary of a devastating victory over three Roman legions by Germanic tribes in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. (emphasis added)

The battle created the first German hero, Arminius, or Hermann as he later became known, a young chieftain of the Cherusci tribe who led the rebellion and was hailed for centuries as the man who united the Germans and drove the Romans out of Germania.

Heinrich Himmler was a member of the Thule Society, an extreme German nationalist group founded in 1910 by Felix Niedner. It was named after the mythical land of Hyperborea-Thule, which some of the society's devotees identified with Iceland and Greenland, said by them to be the remnants of the lost kingdom of Atlantis... This struck a chord with the Thule Society. Its members identified the Teuton tribes who, in AD 9, had defeated the Roman legions in the Teutoburg forest as descendants of the lost super-race of Hyperborea-Thule, guardians of the secrets of vril.

You were lied to about the real source of 9/11. Indeed, ponder the parallel acts of Rome and the USA after each ambush.

Suetonius, The Life of Augustus, 23:49

23. In all his wars, he never received any signal or ignominious defeat, except twice in Germany, under his lieutenants Lollius and Varus. The former indeed had in it more of dishonour than disaster; but that of Varus threatened the security of the empire itself; three legions, with the commander, his lieutenants, and all the auxiliaries, being cut off. Upon receiving intelligence of this disaster, he gave orders for keeping a strict watch over the city, to prevent any public disturbance, and prolonged the appointments of the prefects in the provinces, that the allies might be kept in order by experience of persons to whom they were used. He made a vow to celebrate the great games in honour of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, if he would be pleased to restore the state to more prosperous circumstances. This had formerly been resorted to in the Cambrian and Marian wars. In short, we are informed that he was in such consternation at this event, that he let the hair of his head and beard grow for several months, and sometimes knocked his head against the door-post, crying out, O, Quintilius Varus! give me back my legions! And ever after he observed the anniversary of this calamity, as a day of sorrow and mourning.

Vita Divi Augusti, 23:49

[XXIII] Graves ignominias cladesque duas omnino nec alibi quam in Germania accept, Lollianam et Varianam, sed Lollianam maioris infamiae quam detrimenti, Varianam paena exitiabilem, tribus legionibus cum duce legatisque et auxiliis omnibu caesis. Hac nuntiata excubias per urbem indixit, ne quis tumultus existeret, et praesidibus provinciarum propagavit imperium, ut a peritis et assuetis socii continerentur. Vovit et magnos ludos Iovi Optimo Maximo, si res p. in meliorem statum vertisset: quod factum Cimbrico Marsicoque bello erat. Adeo denique consternatum ferunt, ut per continuos menses barba capilloque summisso caput interdum foribu illideret, vociferans: Quintili Vare, legiones redde! diemque cladis quot annis maestum habuerit a lugubrem.

Does it sound familiar ? The USA is lying about who was really behind the attack in 2001. Nineteen men didn't do what they say the USA says they did, without backing. That backing was not one man the USA created to fight Soviet Russia.

The USA has lied by stopping short of the truth.


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