Monday, September 26, 2011

Google: What is your gripe with the EBT post ?

Everything I write is properly sourced in a academic manner or using data.

You are government shills, you take government money as I already documented, the billionaire immigrant frontmen's families are US government employees, and you are out of line.

You have blocked my posts from the general Google search, the blog search and the Google alerts. I put in keywords or exact sentences and see nothing for days, if at all, as you work to hinder widespread reading of this blog.

With the crap and venom on the internet, the only reason you do that is because your handlers know I am the truth.

I can prove anything I say, ranging from Merck killing me knowing it would happen, right to Ottaviano (Octavianus) and the unlawful coup against the Roman Empire that the collective you serves as well.

People don't block and harass the insane. They ignore them.

They block people they fear.


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