Friday, September 23, 2011

It's an attack: The weekly break for plausible denial

Note that this entry was begun this morning, and completed this evening with the numbers.

I must have ESP.

As I've said repeatedly, the markets are being lowered 3, 4 or 5 percent a day.

To create plausible denial that it's all staged, the parties running the operation raise the markets somewhere above unchanged and 1 percent (or slightly over) after reducing them 4 out of 5 days.

This has been going on for weeks. The recent addition is the splitting off of the Asian markets with a one percent or so reduction on the days they raise the Western markets. At one point the "denial days" were run with them all being nudged up slightly before the next daily dive down.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI: ^DJI )
Index Value: 10,771.48
Trade Time: 4:03PM EDT
Change: 37.65 (0.35%)

Index Value: 5,196.56
Trade Time: 11:45AM EDT
Change: 32.35 (0.63%)

Index Value: 5,053.71
Trade Time: 11:29AM EDT
Change: 12.10 (0.24%)


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