Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jewish-owned Google backs website establishing Romans (and so Italians) as "Sons of Darkness."

Google with its entirely Jewish leadership and its well documented intelligence community financing is evidencing itself as a racist, criminal enterprise.

They were near salt water ! Anyone who thinks organic matter lasts 2000 years in legible condition is a fool.

It just so happens the only complete texts are the text of the Jewish anti-Roman criminals, found as if by magic in 1947 ? Talk about a stunt prior to the 1948 War to justify the faux nation's existence for Christians.

What a "shock". Yet the millions of pages of the entire Roman Empire which was comparatively larger than America in every way (even lead production never met Rome's until modern times) and three times as old are mostly mysteriously missing ?

Against the backdrop of a long biblical tradition concerning a final war at the End of Days (Ezekiel 38–39; Daniel 7–12), this scroll describes a seven stage, dualistic confrontation between the "Sons of Light" (the term used by Community members to refer to themselves), under the leadership of the "Prince of Light" (also called Michael, the Archangel) – and the "Sons of Darkness" (a nickname for the enemies of the Community, Jews and non-Jews alike), aided by a nation called the Kittim (Romans?), headed by Belial. The confrontation would last 49 years, terminating in the victory of the "Sons of Light" and the restoration of the Temple service and sacrifices. The War Scroll describes battle arrays, weaponry, the ages of the participants, and military maneuvers, recalling Hellenistic and Roman military manuals.

Some modern Israeli had the nerve to write that ?

And not only are we the "Sons of Darkness," Italians are ruled over by the crown prince of Hell whose name translates to "worthless" !

Translation: my ancestors and the ancestors of millions of Italians are the "Sons of Darkness".

Israel is run by murderous, treasonous, racist bastards. Kill any Palestinian kids lately ? Board any Turkish ships with commandos and kill, kill, kill, over aid ?

Please wake up, people. Judea fought back as hard as it received, participating in assassination, kidnapping and unlawful insurrection that their own government wouldn't even tolerate from fellow Jews today.

By what right, when we were first ?

"Don't be evil ?" Why ? So you can do it for us ?

Only people as dark as Adolf Hitler (whoever really backed him, given his 150,000 Jewish soldiers) would spew this nonsense using US taxpayer money from In-Q-Tel and other means as these examples demonstrate:


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