Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Greeks acknowledge bona fide Nazi source of woes

In response to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Nigel Farage issued the following comments, thus proving my long running commentaries.

“A troika of officials from the Commission, the ECB and the appalling IMF step off a plane and they go in and meet the Greek government and they tell the Greek government what they may or may not do.”

“You have KILLED democracy in Greece.” Farage urged.

“You have three part-time overseas dictators now tell the Greek people what they can and cannot do. It is totally unacceptable.” he added.

“Is it any wonder the Greek people are now burning EU flags and drawing swastikas across them?”

“Unless Greece is allowed to get out of this economic and political prison, you may well spark a revolution in that country.”

The economy is being tanked by a cabal of Nazis operating with Rothschild and other financier families to bring full circle their reconstruction of a globalist empire after smashing the one my family gave to the world under Octavian.

Because their role was limited in the Roman Empire, certain Germanics (Beatrix, Juan Carlos and Elizabeth's ancestors and predecessors) and Jews destroyed it. They led humanity through an inverting process of reconditioning those who once led into veritable slaves where these select Jewish and Germanic families are in control of you illegally by our Roman laws. It is a 1535 year coup d'etat that began with the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE over select Jews having their ability to coin currency taken from them.

The Bank of International Settlements was started by the Nazis. It still exists and drags nations into International Monetary Fund debt. These are their overt tools along with the Federal Reserve.

There is a conspiracy so vast it takes a Phi Beta Kappa that was headed to be one of them and was caused a near heart transplant by their Bilderberg and Bormann owned Merck to understand, turn and skewer them.

It goes further than Alex Jones and the rest have admitted.

Go get them Greece.


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