Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stabbing reported in Brewster early Sunday morning

At around 3 AM Sunday morning, a stabbing with a 4 inch steak knife was reported in Brewster at 15 Cockle Way.

The property is owned by Arthur L. Fatum of San Francisco, a former AT&T Capital Europe executive, Chief Corporate Officer of CNET and President of CNET Networks International Media, as well as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of ZDNet, Inc.

The owner also speaks regularly at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

The Brewster Police have refused to release this information as they do in any violent crime involving the property of a "nobody". The media has also ignored it.

That is discrimination by police and media Globalists covering for their own cabal.

Will they also fail to report it to the FBI for crime statistics use ?


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