Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What's Trinity College's real gripe ? 9/11 reference cut from Courant story

UPDATE 2: BBC carries a story about Poster Boy and gives Trinity some more bad corporatist press. Hey Trinity, Merck murdered me after I graduated. Will you let them do something with Bormann and Bilderberg owned Merck ? "Trinity College. Good academics, idiot Globalist bureaucratization." In the BBC article dated after my writing this entry, BBC confirms my 9/11 rationale:

More than one of them, he says, buy into 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Historians, military officers, intelligence officers, architects and engineers and prominent Americans prefer to say "the truth."

UPDATE: Since this was written the Courant added a large set of photos and restored a reference to meeting on 9/11... oddly as 9/11/11. Why did "9/11" get stated, removed and restored as 9/11/11 elsewhere ? Indeed, the addition of photos with Poster Boy's work on billboards like Geico's being transformed from SAVE MONEY into SL AVE MONEY lends credence to my thoughts on why Trinity canned him.


This is the same Hartford Courant that just spent weeks preventing any comments to 9/11 articles they ran to protect the government narrative.

"Street Alchemy," an exhibit scheduled to open this week at Trinity College in Hartford of works by New York-based street artist Poster Boy, has been abruptly cancelled.

In an interview in New York City on Saturday, an artist — who identified himself as a member of a "loose collective" that calls itself Poster Boy — cried censorship. However, he admitted that many of the elements in the artworks are stolen property.

Early versions of the Courant article on "Poster Boy" being canned at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut featured this statement by the Courant that has since been removed:

and photographed in New York City on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary

Why was it edited to remove 9/11 ?

One version is here:

( Patrick Raycraft, praycraft@courant.com / September 14, 2011 )
Poster Boy, a well-known graffiti artist, who grew up in Hartford, dismantled his Trinity College exhibit that was scheduled to open Sept. 15 in Hartford. Poster Boy agreed to be interviewed and photographed in New York City on the eve of the 9/11 anniversary.

The version currently linked to by the main Courant article is here:

( Patrick Raycraft, THE HARTFORD COURANT / September 13, 2011 )
Poster Boy, an anonymous but well-known graffiti artist, dismantled his Trinity College exhibit that was scheduled to open this Thursday in Hartford.

What's the real reason the show was canceled ?

Poster Boy has his own definition of the word. "Censorship is a loaded word," he said. "It implies a lot. But it is what it is. … If you're just giving in, or you're the Gestapo, you're using your authority to quiet someone down."

"Gestapo" ? You don't say.

Is Trinity a wee bit in the dark about 9/11 and the Bormann group, or that Osama bin Laden trained under Azzam at a Saudi madrassa run by the Nazi and SS-funded Muslim Brotherhood ? Or that current leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was linked to the assassination of Sadat ?

We do know that Rothschild agent JP Morgan (who it was proven only owned 19 percent of "his" companies) donated a large sum to Trinity. Those are the Rothschilds that now hide in the open, as they tank the economy along with the Bormann / SS front companies.

I'm still wondering why it is that after I wrote my thesis in a way contrary to Globalist interests, that not only was it shelved instead of being entered into the Library, that I was growled at by a professor:

"If I knew you thought that way, I'd have made sure you didn't get into Phi Beta Kappa instead of you getting into Phi Beta Kappa."

My turn, that should have been said then:

If I knew you were a Episcopal minister hiding a Globalist agenda behind the veneer of religion and annual trips to the Empire my ancestors ruled, I would have left for Yale like my adviser wanted.

Old fool.


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