Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Irene: The brown leaf PSYOP

Shortly after the first tweet appeared declaring that her leaves were brown, the media went to work providing cover for the modification of Irene.

It should be noted that not only has HAARP not recorded man-made pulses such as those seen during Irene, that power lines don't arc after each tropical storm here nor do the leaves turn brown.

Ocean salt becomes airborne in two ways. It most commonly occurs when waves break, trapping air below the water in the form of bubbles that rise to the surface and burst, creating tiny aerosol particles of salt water that can travel great distances.

Wow, that's pretty fantastic. What if you're six miles from water ?

A second source is salt spray, blown off the tops of waves as relatively large droplets. Wind speed dramatically increases the amount of these saltwater droplets that become airborne. A 67 mph wind produces 13 times as many droplets as a 22 mph wind.

The Times says 67 MPH ? That's funny because for their cover story to hold up, they might want to explain why the gusts reported by NWS were all in the 40 MPH range.

The 66 MPH gust in Hyannis was from a ham radio operator, part of the same group used to decide there was "man-made global warming" using 6000 of their plastic weather stations.

Intense winds blew through Falmouth on Sunday as Tropical Storm Irene made its way north. Gusts blew up to almost 30 miles per hour.

Oh no. How did that get in the narrative ?

One can be fully confident that after such damage was reported in STORMFURY that the government has learned to lie and deny both the spraying, and in 2011 the added HAARP facet of their mitigation program:

...the hurricane changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the seeding, and Irving Langmuir claimed that the reversal had been caused by human intervention.[6] Cirrus was canceled,[5] and lawsuits were threatened. Only the fact that a system in the 1906 season had taken a similar path, as well as evidence showing that the storm had already begun to turn when seeding began, ended the litigation.[5] This disaster set back the cause of seeding hurricanes for eleven years.

Lies. Like many programs this continues classified, and in plain view.


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