Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's an attack: Eugenics by economic war

It's well documented that the Obama and Dunham family connected Ford Foundation, the Rockefellers, UN, and other lunatics like Ted Turner and Bill Gates want you dead. That's not the scope of my comments here. Look it up.

There's a phenomenon that's on and is misidentified in the Globalist outlet MSNBC article Great Recession yields a lost generation of workers. That article is their typical sick admission using their technique of hiding their plan in plain sight while generating disinformation for those with half the story.

What it ignores is the corollary. The Nazi descendants dba Globalists are engaged in covert and subtle eugenics and population reduction by destroying the economy.

Their traditional method of war might not be fashionable at this time, but in staging these economic attacks, the groups I identify are hindering population growth. They admit this fact in print, albeit under a different guise that is not their true goal.

In record-setting numbers, young adults struggling to find work are shunning long-distance moves to live with Mom and Dad, delaying marriage and buying fewer homes, often raising kids out of wedlock. They suffer from the highest unemployment since World War II and risk living in poverty more than others — nearly 1 in 5...

Opting to stay put, roughly 5.9 million Americans 25-34 last year lived with their parents, an increase of 25 percent from before the recession. Driven by a record 1 in 5 young men who doubled up in households, men are now nearly twice as likely as women to live with their parents.
Marriages fell to a record low last year of just 51.4 percent among adults 18 and over, compared with 57 percent in 2000. Among young adults 25-34, marriage was at 44.2 percent, also a new low...

"Many young adults are essentially postponing adulthood and all of the family responsibilities and extra costs that go along with it," said Mark Mather, an associate vice president at the private Population Reference Bureau. He described a shift toward a new U.S. norm — commonly seen in Europe — in which more people wait until their 30s to leave the parental nest.

They have saddled you with educational loans; exported jobs to keep millions at home with their parents and unable to pay or move on; created conditions so that the older workers cannot retire on time; devalued the currency; and issued daily statements of how bad it is going to get through their private Federal Reserve as they feign remedy knowing full well their words create crashes.

You are under attack by a coup d'etat.


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