Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What happened in US government tunnels starting 22 August 2011 ?

Starting 22 August 2011 there were a series of noises, including blasts, recorded on cameras in Colorado, Virginia and Florida. The videos here are just a few.

On 24 August in 410, the Visigoths under Alaric sacked Rome.

On 22 August 476, Odoacer was illegally named Rex Italiae by his criminal Germanic troops after kidnapping and secreting the lawful Emperor, Romulus Augustus.

The obelisk on the west end of the National Mall was built to commemorate the first U.S. president, General George Washington. It is the world's tallest stone structure and the tallest structure in Washington D.C. The Heights of Buildings Act of 1910 prevents any new buildings from surpassing the monument in size or obstructing it from view.

Apparently, no one will be allowed to outdo the Masons.

Sadly, these criminal fools who have no respect for Roman law or US law also have no respect for the Roman family (mine) that transported the original obelisks to the western world. This continues even as they fawn over the cracks in their cheap copy.

The work initiated by Octavian lasted two thousand years.

As this goes on, they display their tyranny by bombing residential areas with their chemical sprays at 35,000 feet without regard to the injuries they cause or the retribution they are headed for.

Those chemical trails are attacks on citizens including this descendant of lawful Roman officials that you have maimed on purpose since 1996. What makes you think they'll go on forever unchallenged ?


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