Monday, September 19, 2011

NASA lying, incoming bird was spy satellite

There was probably a bird matching the purported description, but this should serve as evidence of what this bird really was for everyone.
They'll say hazardous chemicals. They might even say dual use technology. Bull. Can you imagine the arrogance of an agency telling you something that crashes into your property and no doubt cause some damage even if it's to your lawn, is theirs ?

Couple it with their lie that they can't figure out where it's going.

If any pieces of the satellite debris do fall over or near a populated area, NASA and the U.S. military warn the public not to touch UARS remains. Instead, local law enforcement officials should be contacted, NASA officials said.

Any debris from the UARS satellite still remains the property of the U.S. government and cannot be sold for profit to collectors or on eBay, they added.

Why ? If it's in someone's yard it should be noted that the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution that gives them their useless jobs states:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

What if pieces kill someone ? Do their heirs get a piece if it kills them, you warmed over Nazis ?

NASA officials have said that the drop zone for UARS satellite debris could be anywhere between the latitudes of northern Canada and southern South America, an area that includes much of the planet.

How is it NASA and these NORAD fools on Cape Cod drinking Dunkin' Donuts iced mochas decide that every ball of light or foo fighter is a speck of "sand" or a "ball" within minutes (as they did just a few days ago) yet they can't tell anyone where a bus sized bird is going to re-enter ?

Do you Nazi scum that makes a nation weep over 7 of your own at a pop through your own negligence know that innocent people who didn't choose to be part of your secrets live once ?

It's more lies to the stupid and those comfortably residing in the lie lined box built after their 476 insurrection against the Roman Empire.

If you're looking for descendants of Nazis, start at NASA.

They get their moral inheritance from the Nazi murderers above.


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