Thursday, September 22, 2011

Connecticut tastelessly touts Gold Star used by Third Reich on Driver's License

The last time a government used gold stars it was to identify Jews.

Reinhard Heydrich recommended that the Jews be forced to wear badges following the Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938. The German government first introduced mandatory badges in Poland in November 1939. Jews who failed to wear them risked death. On July 26, 1941, the Judenrat (Jewish Community Council) of Bialystok announced that "the authorities have warned that severe punishment — up to, and including death by shooting — is in store for Jews who do not wear the yellow badge on back and front."

The German government's policy of forcing Jews to wear badges, and then confining all who wore them to ghettos, was a tactic aimed at isolating the Jews from the rest of the population. It enabled the German government to identify, concentrate, deprive, starve, and ultimately murder the Jews of Europe under its control. In 1942, Helmut Knochen, the German government's chief of the Security Service and the Security Police for occupied France and Belgium, stated that the yellow badge was "another step on the road to the Final Solution."

Wasn't there some other mark that Connecticut (which ignores the identity fraud of Barack Soetoro dba Obama, now being investigated by Joe Arpaio) could have compelled the federal fear mongers to accept ?

“I was in Kenya a year and a half ago and everybody said, ‘You know, he was born here,'” Boone told the Chronicle Friday night at a GOP function in California.

...called the President "a Koran-in-Arabic reading, Ramadan-celebrating, Kenyan-born fraud who’s ”spending millions” to ”hide” his records from the American public," according to Joe Garofoli.

Connecticut has done nothing but saddle its citizens with multiple ID requirements the entire time that Obama was using a Connecticut SSN without having lived there.

This is no different, even as Connecticut refuses to investigate the fraud being perpetrated in the White House. That is checks and balances against treason. They choose to ignore to protect their political hides and prevent riots by certain groups because he'll be out of office in 5 years, at most.

A scanned multi-layered Adobe file pasted over a security background isn't acceptable as ID for the state of Connecticut's gold star.

Why is it being allowed for Barack Obama ?

State residents renewing their driver's licenses will need to bring many more documents with them if they want to get a gold star from the federal government.

State Department of Motor Vehicles officials Thursday announced that starting Oct. 3 they will start a federally mandated program they are calling SelectCT ID to reverify licenses renewed over the next six years.

In order to get a gold star placed on a license — which will allow holders to bypass some security at airports and federal buildings starting in 2017 — residents will have to bring as many as six forms of identification...

If you don't get it, you're now a second rate citizen. Did you read the part of the Nazi badges that said they were used to "identify, concentrate, deprive" ?

DMV Commissioner Melody A. Currey said that without the gold star travelers will likely face greater scrutiny at airports and when entering federal buildings. Currey said the DMV is rolling out the new program now because Connecticut is on a six-year license renewal cycle and everyone needs to have a new license before 2017, when the federal regulations go into effect.

The use of a gold star to get access anywhere is a sick parallel to Nazi Germany.

Besides that, we aren't in third grade.

The overpaid bureaucrat declaring Connecticut is next to New York as a reason for creating two classes of citizen is fear mongering propaganda.

DMV Commissioner Melody A. Currey said:

"We live next door to New York City and after what happened there I think we need to assure our residents that we are doing everything we can to properly identify people."

You should be fired for your lack of geographic knowledge alone besides your failure to read and understand the Constitution; you're Globalist tool and a fear monger propagating a lie.

The Bormann group, and the SS or ODESSA, through the Muslim Brotherhood, staged 9/11. You are party to a criminal conspiracy by selling fear for profiteers instead of truth. Do you think they appeared out of nowhere ? Do you think there is the convenient disconnect you were sold ?

If you do, the Phi Beta Kappa historian and political scientist knows you're an idiot.

And as we'll see in a few lines, you can't even get your own employees to obey your rules.

The coup and the real attackers' Visigoth ancestors and certain Jewish families overthrew my family and others in Rome in an ongoing coup d'etat since 476. Everything since is unlawful. Go read a history book from a primary source. We demand the identification of the unlawful usurpers trashing the world's economic system by design, instead.

By the way, as I noted in earlier posts:

The agency was racked by scandal a few years ago when it was revealed that several employees at DMV offices in Bridgeport and Norwalk were selling illegal licenses.


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