Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A “fight for integration” ? The plan revealed in desperation.

It is time to fight this fraud.

We were lead through 1535 years of murder and war, theft, pillage and fraud by these fools.

The plan of 1535 years is openly revealed by the Daily Express and ignored by the US media back in Oz.

Jose Manuel Barroso, the Commission’s President, said the deepening economic crisis in Europe was a “fight for integration”.

His outburst was seen by opponents of the march towards a federal Europe as exposing the ultimate ambitions of the Brussels bureaucracy.

Now for the truth of this Nazi (read Germanic) divined plan:

But one critic, Tory MP Douglas Carswell, said: “This is a fight for Europe’s fat cats to cling on to their privileged positions and their taxpayer-funded fiefdom.

“It is not in the interests of the ­millions of people around Europe who have been oppressed by Barroso and his ilk’s currency scam.

This has to be stopped. No one alive today should be rewarded for crushing us all, and unlawfully:

  • assassinating Julius Caesar in 44 BCE
  • annihilating 32,000 Roman soldiers in 9
  • assassinating Nero in 68
  • sacking Rome in 410
  • kidnapping and murdering Julius Nepos and Romulus Augustus in 476
  • funding both sides of Waterloo
  • funding both sides of the US Civil War
  • creating the Federal Reserve using unanimous consent of three Senators
  • staging World War I
  • staging World War II
  • assassinating Abraham Lincoln in 1865
  • assassinating John F. Kennedy in 1963

They are trying to scare people into integration as a solution because they are behind the collapse. The groups I've said are managing both sides.


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