Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fire Frauds ?

Upon hearing the defeat of 32,000 of our men after the 11 September 9, Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (by the ancestors of the same Nazis who staged "9/11" using Arab puppets), the emotionless Octavian screamed "Quintili Vare, legiones redde !"

From the Vita Divi Augusti, 23:49.

Graves ignominias cladesque duas omnino nec alibi quam in Germania accept, Lollianam et Varianam, sed Lollianam maioris infamiae quam detrimenti, Varianam paena exitiabilem, tribus legionibus cum duce legatisque et auxiliis omnibu caesis. Hac nuntiata excubias per urbem indixit, ne quis tumultus existeret, et praesidibus provinciarum propagavit imperium, ut a peritis et assuetis socii continerentur. Vovit et magnos ludos Iovi Optimo Maximo, si res publica in meliorem statum vertisset: quod factum Cimbrico Marsicoque bello erat. Adeo denique consternatum ferunt, ut per continuos menses barba capilloque summisso caput interdum foribu illideret, vociferans: Quintili Vare, legiones redde! diemque cladis quot annis maestum habuerit a lugubrem.

That was the Emperor of Rome and essentially, the western civilized world.

"I'm not affected by it," he said.

The hell you weren't. Nice try, tough guy.

"To me, I went there and I did a job. But the whole time we were doing our searching, you never found any computers or desks or office equipment. It was basically steel and concrete. To me, that's something I'll never forget. One of the other things is that every time we were transported by bus down to the pile, the people on the side of the road were waving flags. For me, it was nice to see. That was great."

Make up your mind.

The display of a beam that crushed two people I knew is tasteless masonic moronic Germanic crap.

Apparently they were overtime to you. Sorry. That's the impression you all give, as always.

The rest featured in the article used the same double speak.


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