Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cruise missile jockey Clinton speaks out of turn

Why is Clinton talking up people that his wife and her Jewish and Germanic Bilderberg coup d'etat members would now put down like dogs, even if they were trying to revive the lawful Roman Empire those two groups usurped ?

Bill Clinton likened the actions of those aboard Flight 93 to the defenders of the Alamo in Texas or the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae some 2,500 years ago, with a dramatic and telling difference: "They were soldiers. They knew what they had to do."

You helped murder me in 1998 through Merck, Bill. Look it up.

You stopped and killed anyone who tried to oppose you. How dare you raise those patriots.

The utter gall of using your parasite security forces to protect your regime is a crime.

The passengers and crew were not, but they gave "the entire country an incalculable gift: They saved the capital from attack," an untold amount of lives and denied al-Qaida the symbolic victory of "smashing the center of American government."

Liar. If your security forces couldn't find the planes, how do you know where that one was going ?

They were, he said, "ordinary people given no time at all to decide and they did the right thing. And 2,500 years from now, I hope and pray to God that people will still remember this."

Do you remember Rome that your Jewish and Germanic Bilderberg handlers toppled and the members of my family you assassinated to create your fake modern "democracies" and "republics" ?

By the way, who is "God" ?

Some 2500 years ago we had "gods" until you criminals smashed it all. Check with the Visigoth usurpers Beatrix, Betty and Juan Carlos. They're proud to be members of a 1535 year long coup d'etat against my family and the others.

It's so strange that you pretend that you are law when you came to power through riots and wars and by assassinating my family in Rome, don't you think, Bill ?

Those crimes have no statutes of limitations under your "laws".


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