Monday, September 5, 2011

Napolitano frets over 300 houses on stilts and cinder blocks

To prove my previous Irene posts, the numbers are now out.

The "great disaster" resulted in unexplained power and cable outages where there was little or no damage. As I said, that's because it was a staged exercise in collective suffering, a PSYOP that saw the utilities shut off the power and cable and then have difficulty re-energizing it.

The two utilities have more than 1,560,000 customers between them, and more than 830,000 lost power after Irene hit a week ago.

There are 498,809 single homes as 34.5 percent of those are units in multiple unit dwellings.

Three hundred damaged houses were sold to the public by the post 9/11 fear mongers as hell on earth through the careful use of images such as flooding that was nowhere near or connected to the damages.

That's such a small percent of Connecticut houses that my calculator can't compute the number without an error !

"I've seen pictures, but this confirms what I've seen," Napolitano said as she walked along the Cosey Beach area, where 20 or so homes were destroyed or severely damaged by Tropical Storm Irene.

What you've seen is a well crafted media sham for outsiders who don't know that the Wethersfield Cove, Harbor Park, the Farmington River banks and the Connecticut River banks are underwater all spring, every spring, for 400 years of habitation.

Some 300 homes statewide sustained major damage. During the tour, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy estimated that the storm has cost the state and local municipalities more than $15 million.

Janet Napolitano is worried about the "great disaster" of our age, Irene, when houses and property go ignored that are damaged in unnamed storms that aren't media events and aren't used to demonstrate the ability to kill switch utilities.

"I've seen pictures, but this confirms what I've seen," Napolitano said as she walked along the Cosey Beach area, where 20 or so homes were destroyed or severely damaged by Tropical Storm Irene.

This is a jobs program in a banker made depression, and a salute to the rich who own these few houses that were upgraded from camps and cottages, and were not up to code in many cases through grandfathering.

Irene was used to convince the rest to sit in the dark in areas that weren't damaged. This of course does not mean other areas weren't damaged and didn't actually lose power... because of a crumbling infrastructure and untrimmed tree limbs.

It means that a widespread secret to create political capital by feigning rescue for nearly all citizens was waged against innocent people, including the family of a state representative and my uncle with lung cancer.

You are criminals.

You are animals.


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