Monday, September 5, 2011

Napolitano to Connecticut to protect another narrative

Janet Napolitano is going to to Connecticut today, a holiday.

How odd. It's a distraction from what was done and wasn't admitted, besides a tour of damage that was waiting to happen. They're selling the damage as widespread and it wasn't. Powerlines falling because of negligence and "set it and forget it" is not "damage." It's being twisted to take blame off of corporatists.

When has she ever gone there ? When have any of them ? Did they go to Massachusetts after the blizzard ?

I'm not denying, and didn't comment on, severe damage in Vermont. The government and media now like to say that if you question one part of their narrative that you're questioning all.

I'm not denying that eastern Connecticut suffered damage. Still that damage was because despite paying hook-up fees at construction, the utilities tied thousands of new houses in the last 30 years into crumbling infrastructure, and rotten poles with brittle glass insulators that I heard were snapping here and there by listening to the utilities. Wind snapped them as did tree limbs that weren't sheared straight up and down away from lines. The utilities say it was Irene but the public says it was the utilities.

Similarly, houses made of "toothpicks" were destroyed along the shore. Should houses be built such that water regularly flows under them and then they are cited as damage ? Wasn't that asking for damage ? The houses started as camps and cottages and were turned into more than they were intended. Is that damage, when they're on pilings ? Is that solid construction bolted to a 8 foot foundation ?

There's a reason Napolitano is going to Connecticut. In other areas (as I blogged at the time and summarily saw my street "lose" its cable despite having power) the utilities were shut off in a vast PSYOP to gauge response and ostensibly protect equipment. The issue is: admit it. Every time you sign a paper is not "homeland security". You de-energized the system and couldn't start it in many areas; you de-energized the system and inspected parts of it first.

My sources in places near Hartford were livid that their power was out because there was no damage that warranted it. One family is related to a state representative and was furious at the absurdity.

To say nonsense like what follows is to provide cover for the truth.

If he's saying that Irene went over Connecticut, it did. But to say that it damaged all of Connecticut as the media spun it, is a lie. The media couldn't even come up with new photos. They were making places like Harbor Park in Middletown that flood every year into a disaster. They'd say "look at this flooding in Middletown at the River" and then say "all of Hartford County is without power".

Huh ?

They were engaged in a vast sham of post hoc ergo propter hoc. They were saying that because they kept showing 80 year old houses on stilts and cinderblocks in Old Saybrook on the beach that started life as cottages as destroyed, people in Wethersfield or Newington should therefore think being without power was reasonable.


Overtime is now "damage" by media standards ?

They think the public is going to believe that over 220,000 without power were restored in the first 24 hours by anything other than a vast system shut-down. They think the public isn't going to realize they got a surprise when they failed to turn it back on in the hours after. One hundred percent of towns with little damage didn't lose their power... dozens of them.. without some authoritarian flipping a switch on the orders of that woman visiting Connecticut. The purpose is to create collective suffering and watch the response.

If the ability to restore 220,000 was so magical, it should have taken them 3 days to restore the state, not 3 weeks.

It was after blogging that association that my cable here, and supposedly everyone nearby, mysteriously went down within minutes and stayed out, until I went out to a another internet source. I blogged that accusation and mysteriously it was back within hours.

This with a government running a ten year sham telling everyone they must suffer because of local events and that all police, fire and military nationally must benefit because of local events through endless grants even as they say the USA is out of money.

Irene was part storm and part staged sham.


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