Friday, September 2, 2011

No Orleans drunk should be enforcing the law

Say, since having an active license is a requirement to be a police officer how is it that when your license is suspended you don't get fired since you're more useless than before you were arrested for OUI ?

(iv) is or has been under treatment for or confinement for drug addiction or habitual drunkenness, unless such applicant is deemed to be cured of such condition by a licensed physician, in which case he may make application for such card after the expiration of five years from the date of such confinement or treatment and upon presentation of an affidavit issued by such physician to the effect that such physician knows the applicant's history of treatment and that in such physician's opinion the applicant is deemed cured

How can you remain a police officer in Massachusetts if you can't fulfill two requirements ?

Houton, Manfredi, Tebbetts. These are the names that inspire confidence along with the many at any instant who aren't caught.

Brewster Police Chief Richard Koch, who is president of the Cape Cod Police Chiefs Association, said he was similarly hamstrung by legal advice in a recent case in which he had to fire an officer.

"My recommendation was to fire him. I would have liked to tell (the public) of my decision but ... I was hindered by the opinion of town counsel that I couldn't do that," Koch said. "My opinion is that the public should know and I should be able to explain my recommendation to them. They deserve to know that I'm doing my job."

Your brother does his for the CIA in Quincy, "hiding" in plain view the man that built the OKC bomb for two men who didn't know how to build a bomb. Did you and your brother ever count off how many federal agents were killed in that blast ? But then I understand you don't like them much.

Chief Koch is a liar who won't release records without a multi-hundred dollar ransom and regularly ignores the FOI laws.

Your "officer", Joseph Houston, urinated on a Connecticut family the way you proverbially urinate on us, Chief Koch. That was after he came to this house like a bloody thug on a lie call the records of which you now deny me.

You and James Ehrhart let me die at the hands of a government asset drug addict and a government asset Ft Detrick Jew, and turned us into de facto "criminals", because you're an anti-Italian neo-Nazi. You harassed us until 731 AM today, and I know it. Tell the crooks there to try to not so sound so distracted when they do it.

Employee privacy does not trump the public right to know in some neighboring states. In Connecticut, the release of information from personnel files can be withheld only if it meets two standards: that releasing it would be highly offensive and that the information requested is not a matter of public concern.

Indeed, if Houston, Manfredi or Tebetts had any honor, they'd put their guns in their mouths the way far, far better Connecticut officers have done recently over far less.

But then, this is Massachusetts and they got away with their crimes.

Hey, by the way is Manfredi related to Russell Manfredi ? Inquiring minds want to know. They say every cop is a criminal. He liked the thrill of the kill, too.

You are an illegal occupying force for the banker Jewish families and militant Germanic families that unlawfully seized control of the Roman Empire in 476, and that you serve since they demanded your creation in 1865 to protect their property on this continent as well.


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