Thursday, October 6, 2011

BBC Intelligence officers pretend Gaddafi isn't Libyan leader

The BBC is an obvious and documented intelligence outfit as much as the VOA is.

Indeed, MI6 ran (managed) an interview earlier this year with Alex Jones !

How does the BBC dare say mind-control words like "interim leaders" when Gaddafi is alive and issuing orders ?

"Ousted" ?

He's still in Libya, you MI6 front.

The whereabouts of Col Gaddafi remain unknown.

He's still in Libya, you MI6 front.

Can the lawful citizens of the USA run that Kenyan usurper into hiding tomorrow along with the moron thugs surrounding him who refuse to arrest him for usurping the office, a fact they acknowledge in private out of fear of causing "race" riots (I think the races they speak of are better than that).

This smacks of the crimes that were committed against my family and later Roman rulers by these same German sons of bitches that led to 1535 years of perpetual world war.

They drive you out by force of arms then ignore you.

Then they pretend they are law, even observing the same borders !

Ottaviano Augusto created the West.

Get the hell out of our Empire, Nazi scum.

Even the citizens of Libya know damn well that NATO is conditioning them to obey if Gaddafi is gone, by bombing whatever they want for their Gehlen and Bormann handlers.

I've proven that statement so many times, you can go look it up here or anywhere else.


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