Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mel Gibson should stand his ground against the real "oppressors"

Oppressors ?

Oppressors ?

Do you mean like my family that was the lawful government of Rome in many levels of office ?

OK then.

In that case, (as I've presented along with hundreds of others approaching this from different angles) the US government that we signed onto in the 19th century has been usurped through the Jewish-run Federal Reserve.

They are oppressing Romans since their Germanic backed coup d'etat under Odoacer since 476, and I plan on staging a rebellion against them as they did to us.

They are unlawful to this hour. We were first.

Spare us the controlling Judeo and Germanic-family propaganda when lawful Roman imperial government is deemed oppressors in 2011, but the world "cannot" now rise in rebellion against the government they run at gunpoint.

You're the oppressors. Culminating in October 1998 and starting earlier, the oppressors you serve tried to murder me through Merck by enlarging my heart to a borderline emergency transplant, by using induced cardiomyopathy, nerve damage that destroyed my leg and made my hands unusable, and internal bleeding requiring transfusions.

How now, Hollywood ?

If Greeks were "oppressors," what does that make several families not even fully engaged in government controlling 99% of the world's wealth ? Do the Greeks and Syrians get to rebel now ?

The media and Hollywood better beware of who they declare "oppressors" while they stand watch at gunpoint. Some of those they declare "oppressors" are now the oppressed and chomping at the bit after 1535 years of your fraud.


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