Monday, October 31, 2011

Neglect of infrastructure didn't help New England utility survival

For ten years this country flushed money down the Military Industrial Complex toilets labeled Iraq and Afghanistan on the map.

"God forbid, if ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan," Reuters quotes Karzai.

Karzai also said that if Pakistan were attacked by another country and needed help, "Afghanistan will be there with you. Afghanistan is a brother."

"Afghanistan will never forget the welcome, the hospitality, the respect, and the brotherhood showed by the Pakistani people towards the Afghan people," Karzai said. "Pakistan will never betray their brother."

He said that would be the case regardless of whether the country was India, China or the United States.

"Afghanistan is not going to be dictated in any way by any country - U.S. or India or Russia or China or whoever. Afghanistan has its own policy, its' own stand, its own clear view of things, and from that point of view, from that stand, it's dealing with our brothers in Pakistan."

Forty-four transmission lines, primarily in the northwestern and north central parts of the state, were knocked out due to the storm, Blint said. Six have been repaired.

That's serious damage caused by neglect and a storm. They'll try to blame the storm but it was just the catalyst. It's going to be longer than a week to restoration, since after 24 hours entire towns of 30,000 are black, as in 100 percent dark.

That's the truth.

Then there's the lie of omission, of power and cable companies shutting down areas by hand and automatically through fuses, etc. The power companies and the political hacks aren't very excited to share this with you so they don't.

This time, it's understandable because they can't have live wires lying around in snow banks.

Admit it.

The citizens aren't your unruly children.

Secret squirrels Verizon and AT & T forgot that they work for the citizens and didn't add adequate generator power for ten years of "preparation" and taking of government contracts that included systems to knock civil users off the air in favor of federal users if "needed" (read more about your status as a second class citizen and customer at the NCS site).

Mobile phone coverage was spotty for some wireless phone users Monday after about 200 cell phone towers around the state were affected by power outages, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said Monday morning.

AT&T would not say how many cell phone towers it has in the state or how many were affected.

"We are not commenting on the governor's statement," Kate McKinnon, AT&T spokeswoman for the Northeast Region said Monday afternoon.

Cell towers must be supplied with electricity to function.

And here's another omission. Time is ticking on the battery banks on others... and landlines as well.

"We have a number of cell sites down throughout the region due to loss of commercial power," Mark Siegel, an AT&T spokesman based in Atlanta, wrote in an email.

...Verizon would not say how many cell towers it operates.

"For competitive reasons, the number of towers in the state isn't something Verizon Wireless discloses," Murphy wrote in an email.

They work for the shareholders in economic theory ? If they work for the shareholders, let's all cancel at once and let the shareholders carry them forward.

They're still having that EAS drill on 9 November. If a tree falls in a forest, and the power is out, will anyone hear it ?


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