Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coopted "protests" made manifest: Obama seizes control

In a call previewing Obama's upcoming bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama "will continue to acknowledge the frustration that he himself shares," about Washington's laggard response to the financial crisis.

Earnest added that while on the trip, Obama will make it clear that he is fighting to make certain that the "interests of 99 percent of Americans are well represented" — the first time the White House has used the term to differentiate the vast majority of Americans from the wealthy.

As was written here, the foreign protests began with the cutting of internet undersea cables in 2008 near the regions of the fraudulent, corporate sponsored "revolutions".

Since 1947 the CIA has defined corporate from its start, with the Nazi-connected Wall Street Dulles brothers. So too has the NSA that wages economic espionage as part of its intelligence collection.

The cables were then spliced to provide even greater real time analysis of activities to set the stage for the and the other corporate sham revolutions. Groups were even brought into the USA to educate them on how to run the operation.

The only revolution acceptable to the anti-Roman coup d'etat is a fake one they run to replace spent leaders under their control of the last several decades.
In the meantime, the coup let protesters tire themselves out like children screaming on a vacation.

This is a scripted multi-million dollar farce to reelect the Globalist usurper in Washington, and to take heat off his true identity.

Overt co-opting is an attempt to manage the field of discourse (and battle) further by causing any real protesters to become disgusted and walk away thus destroying any real fight or large changes.

This act will let the regime guide people to vote for him. They will make him appear a man of the people to the naive, stupid and hopeless.

At the same time it will signal to the corporations that run the regime that Obama is in full control, in order to stage the reelection of the puppet.

Finally, it will cause millions not protesting to see the ruse, become disgruntled, and not vote, guaranteeing victory and completion of the Globalist plan struck on 10 August 1944, and leading to the present staged economic collapse agreed on at Nazi-run Bilderberg.

That is, a two part, severe economic collapse.


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