Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Senate Democrats Propose 5% Surtax on Millionaires: Millionaires will no doubt claim they're just getting by

So what ?

Any identifiable millionaire that goes on the false safety valve talk shows and rails against these ideas, all the while screaming, kicking and yelling if you try to pull his government grants and contracts, should be drummed out of "business."

Senate Democrats proposed a 5% surtax on people earning more than $1 million a year to pay for the $447 billion cost of President Barack Obama's job-creation bill, in a move designed to shore up their party's support for the measure.

This will be the point where (as usual) even in the fraudulent left / right system the "Republicans" will evidence themselves to be illogical lunatics or thieves.

Republicans would posit that those who are defended by the taxes of hundreds of millions of poorer citizens, and who are given the environment to make a million a year don't have to pay their part of the infrastructure they use, and the defense that gives them the conditions to earn that million or more ?

That is to say nothing of the grants, tax breaks and bail out money as well as government contracts and other piggy backing these fraudulent " private businessmen" gobble up.

This fascist system must be stopped.

These are not true conservatives. They are corporatist / fascist businessmen feeding at the public trough as they pay lip service to private enterprise.

They collect millions from government as surely as a maimed person they murder who has no choice, can barely live on the pittance they rail against.


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