Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama has money for everyone but the poor, sick and injured

Now let's see the truth of what they do to Marines, which no doubt will delight the Bormann and Gehlen fascist dominated scum who decided to watch them years ago.

You tried to gas me to death by 7 October 2011 using chemical spraying by jets over and near my house, also known as "chemtrails", landing me in hospital.

Obama, give me back my $43 a month for my near assassination in 1998. You're not the retaliation arm for those who told me run for Congress and two other "choices", and didn't like the refusals.

Stop helping losers who didn't save for college. College is not life and death. Loans are a stunt by you and the lickspittles near you to buy votes.

You're a Kenyan-born assassin of foreign leaders and US citizens for your masters and a former Business International employee (CIA front).

Where's the money you and Deval Patrick conspired to steal in August from my mother to try to shut me up ? You steal from the family shopper with no income due to her stroke, and my father dropping dead in front of me a split second after two fighters flew over, also causing his new lawn mower to seize ? I think we know what weapon that was.

I made a volunteer's jaw drop yesterday in disbelief when she even heard the amount you Nazi scum give me for cardiomyopathy, CHF, vasculitis, and neuropathy created by Bormann group fronted Merck.

Her mouth stayed open when she was told of the August gambit.

You hate Rome and sought retaliation with tricks ? Rome hates you back.

Where's the $43 a month you stole from me since ? Did you give it right over to Auntie Zeituni ?

You punish people who saved and were Phi Beta Kappa with attempts on their life and theft of what they have coming under the law, after the Clinton regime tried to murder me in 1998 for and using Merck.

Yet still you hand out panem et circenses to those who are losers who should be cleaning toilets and building cars to reduce labor costs, the way America once was.

Everyone doesn't need a college degree, especially one they can't afford.

I was told to go to Yale, but when you save, use part of your money the first year in Trinity and then can't get aid because you saved, the American propaganda that you can go wherever you want if you work hard becomes a abject lie like the rest of America was by 1991. You get to watch n'er do wells who bought cars and boats to max their credit and minimize their savings go where they want.

Obama’s move comes at a moment when many economists are warning of a college debt bubble that is distorting college tuition rates and threatening to further damage credit markets. The president’s move is intended to make college more affordable for more people, which will, in turn allow universities to jack up their rates.

As in the housing bubble, cheap credit on easy terms increases the amount of money chasing the product (in this case a diploma) allowing schools to increase prices. This inflation makes it harder for middle-class families to afford paying their own tuitions, driving them into the government financing program, which, you guessed it, drives up costs further still.

Obama’s goals, aside from continuing to encourage young people to spurn the private sector in favor of service jobs, is to try to juice the economy. Those who participate in the program could see their monthly incomes rise by hundreds of dollars, thereby increasing the money they have to buy stuff and try to juice the economy.

You want a civil war as we've read ? You might get your wish yet.

You are illegal.

We didn't sign on for this in the late 19th century.

Victims don't have to shut up for you. You're a nobody who was coddled, like that white trash from Arkansas.

Let's turn to happier times and the Candy Man himself, the self proclaimed "little black Jew," Sammy Davis Jr., who I met a couple of times at the GHO through my mother's cousin, a Hartford Judge.


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