Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Judge" decrees illogical Obama Social Security number decision

In response to the Orly Taitz suit against the likely usurper over his Connecticut SSN, another low level usurper issued a ruling backed by unlawful force of arms that:

"Even if plaintiff's allegations were true, an individual's status as a public official does not, as plaintiff contends, 'make exemption 6 irrelevant to him and his vital records.'"

That's illogical bureau-crap produced by a mental defective living in a box built by the coup plotters of 476 that she serves.

If the claims are true, Obama wouldn't be a public official, he'd be in jail or a convicted felon.

The case was filed against the Social Security Administration because Obama's number indicates a Connecticut residency, yet there is no evidence he ever lived in the state. He claims he grew up in Hawaii and apparently had a Social Security number there, as he reported he worked in a Honolulu ice-cream shop.

The judge originally stated there's no real interest in determining whether the Obama Social Security number is genuine or fraudulent, arguing that the need for privacy for the president trumps all else.

In the USA we have courts to decide this, not summary judgement by a fool. If the man is in office legally so be it. He won't answer to the charges, however. Why ?

If he is in office illegally, he must be removed in leg irons.

Mere occupancy of an office doesn't confer sovereign immunity. If an office is obtained by fraud, the office is occupied by fraud and the election null and void.


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