Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crooked Cape Cod needs an immediate FBI Enema

I was put in the hospital for 7 days, bringing me up to well over 200 days in 12 years. This time, again, was by the eugenicist freak John P. Holdren and his weather modification lunatics through the chemicals that they're dumping over this country.

Grace was diagnosed at birth with congenital heart disease that only skilled cardiologists at Children’s Hospital in Boston could fully comprehend. They discovered dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), an often fatal condition in which the heart becomes weakened and enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently, and a hole in the heart.

When a 14 year old kid with no proven track record is given a heart and I was hung out to dry at 25, when I needed one thanks to Merck's attempt on my life, this is total crap and a hand out for another Military Industrial and banker parasite.

Oh yes, daddy was a fighter pilot and now works for the local crony brat bank. In other words, he's a freeloader that did everything on the taxpayer dime while pretending to serve you. He actually serves bankers because no country the USA ever attacks is one that can invade the USA. It's all about profiteering.

In that way, the USA is run by bed wetting cowards standing off and firing missiles from miles away while masquerading as rough men.

“We knew early on that for Grace to live, someone else would have to die,” Grace’s mother, Julie, an advanced placement psychology teacher at Nauset High, stated candidly in a recent interview at the family home in West Brewster. She is seated next to her husband, Jeff, a former Navy fighter pilot of F-14 Tomcats over Somalia and Iraq, and now a mortgage lending officer at Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank.

You don't say. Hey Jeff why didn't you do your constitutional duty and stop Nazis from attacking US citizens through their Bormann and Gehlen assets like Merck ? From CBS' Paul Manning, author of Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile p.134:

The movement of German assets into Switzerland had also gone well, Bormann noted from his reports. Flight capital investments had been accomplished principally through the establishment of subsidiaries of powerful German firms. Over half the total German capital in Switzerland was used in setting up holding companies representing I.G. Farben, Merck, Siemens, Osram, Henkel, and others. A holding company may not trade in any form. It may only hold stock in other companies, but through this device the existing German firms, and the 750 new corporations established under the Bormann program, gave themselves absolute control over a postwar economic network of viable, prosperous companies that stretched from the Ruhr to the “neutrals” of Europe and to the countries of South America; a control that continues today and is easily maintained through the bearer bonds or shares issued by these corporations to cloak real ownership. Bearer shares require no registration of identity, for such shares are exactly what they mean; the bearer of the majority shares controls the company without needing a vestige of proof as to how he acquired them. Thus the Germans who participated as a silent force in Bormann’s postwar commercial campaign-which is sometimes referred to by aging Nazis as “Operation Eagle’s Flight” or “Aktion Adlerflug”—insured their command over the industrial and financial institutions that were to move the new Federal Republic of Germany back into the forefront of world economic leadership.

Crooked. The military officers fight who they want, that won't be paying them, someday.

About a year after Grace was born, the Kobolds moved to the Cape from San Diego. The relocation made sense on a number of fronts: Jeff had been hired as a Delta Airlines pilot flying 737s; Children’s Hospital, the top pediatric hospital in the nation, was nearby; and Julie’s parents lived in Brewster where her dad, Richard Bridgwood, a former Navy pilot himself, was longtime principal at Brewster Elementary School, then assistant superintendent for Nauset Regional School District.

Crooked. This is preferential treatment of Brewster's self-appointed high rollers.

The previous Nazi Brewster Chief tried to tell my father not to use a public library because a USAID (read CIA) connected bipolar nut the Chief's mother trained works there.

So now the same current Brewster police chief that said "damned if you do, damned if you don't about" arresting the Truro Police Chief last week, after the latter crashed and destroyed his cruiser while drunk and was found was his pants down in the car.

I'm not seeing a "don't" with that.

The town is as guilty; Truro refuses to let the public see the car that state and federal funds financed.

The crashed car is currently stored on Truro Department of Public Works grounds, and Peterson declined to allow the Times to see or photograph the vehicle because of the pending criminal investigation.

The State Police refused to assist the federal police ! The rangers had to go two (known) rounds to get anywhere !

Seashore Acting Chief Ranger Craig Thatcher asked state police for assistance in reconstructing the accident scene, which they declined because the incident didn't warrant a state police response, said state Trooper Todd Nolan Tuesday. Thatcher then requested state police to assist with the crash itself, calling it a collision with possible personal injury involving an intoxicated operator.

Months before the crash, the current Truro Chief groped a woman and the previous one passed out on a sidewalk, ostensibly from diabetes. Drinking to intoxication is, of course, contraindicated for a diabetic- just saying.

Provincetown town officials were upset to learn about the Portuguese festival incident during the weekend of June 22-24, 2007, town records state. There was a second police-related incident the same weekend when Provincetown police found then-Truro Police Chief John Thomas passed out on a sidewalk, due to a diabetic condition, town records state.

That brings me back to "crooked".

Throw in the stabbing at the property owned by Federal Reserve lecturer Arthur Fatum that was ignored by the Brewster police and media.

Then there's the whitewashing of the 13 October crash into a stone wall by the son of someone near here who gets one continuance after another, and just goes right back at it be it financial fraud, possession or OUI.


How many people are waiting for hearts ? But the Military Industrial banker connected to the Brewster schools gets one for his daughter ?

The Phi Beta Kappa descendant of imperial Rome told to run for Congress in 1995 gets a ten dollar bottle of medicine and a death sentence for the Globalist assassination attempt on him.


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