Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday evening radar caught incoming...

These screen captures are from the NWS Radar Mosaic from 2328 UTC to 0038 UTC on 23 October 2011.

Watch over North Dakota and South Dakota in the first video, and Texas in the second video.
The Orionids were Friday morning and Saturday morning according to NASA.

So what flew by Saturday evening in such straight and wide spaced lines ? I recorded it in two halves; both show the same fly over at the same time from the northern radars to the south.

That's surely not what was described here. It was the next day, too early, too many and one "formation".
Turn your attention skyward early this Saturday morning for a gift from Halley’s comet: A stream of up to 15 meteors per hour is predicted for the peak of the Orionid meteor shower.

Shortly after midnight, viewers can expect a steady pace of meteors streaking from the constellation Orion. This year the scene may be particularly majestic because the moon, Mars, and the star Regulus will be making a simultaneous appearance in the eastern sky.


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