Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Curious Case of Muammar Gaddafi

On 31 October 1998 William Jefferson Clinton and Merck killed me by causing cardiomyopathy, a heart that was 85 percent larger than the normal seen months earlier, internal bleeding requiring transfusions and neuropathy that made my hands unusable and my leg drag.

This was an attempt on my life as surely as any Libyan that his wife feigned defense of in the media against Gaddafi.

Did I get out of the hospital in November, round up rough men and attack ? If I had would the American idiots who don't see the corporate run ruse in Libya and with OWS have sprung to my defense, pouring over the data and seeing I was right ?

Do you see what it looks like when I turn it around ?

Gaddafi is specifically presented as surrendering. Why was he shot and killed ?

An anti-Gaddafi fighter said Gaddafi had been found hiding in a hole in the ground and had said "Don't shoot, don't shoot" to the men who grabbed him.

Then it says he was shot in the legs. He was captured. He was shot in the head. Which is it ?

Does it occur to anyone that the crazed Hillary Clinton was just there touting his assassination ? The "rebels" took her orders ! This is no coincidence.

When does the American public get to throw them away ?

Indeed, this blog is a tinker toy for this government that doesn't want entries found in a timely manner unless people have the direct link. Do I gather up academics like the Libyan NTC has and have them argue my case ?

I was watched since 1998, even as I remained quiet like a fool about what was done to me. Is that what you do to those you victimize in the USA ? Why do they do it to their citizens then spring to defense of Libyans ?

I can just imagine thousands of poor Libyans who are earnest thinking the USA is great, when in fact they kill and maim their own citizens then hide behind a police line of unthinking corporate run thugs.

The occupant of the White House will not answer for his identity, instead spending millions to defend his secrecy.

What is the secret ?

The judge in a suit said the public doens't care because he is President. He wouldn't be President and can't be president if he is there illegally. Covering it up doesn't make it legal. Answering the questions with original documents does. An Adobe file scan in multiple layers is not original.

The United States wouldn't say where the trillions in bailouts went. Much of it went to overseas bankers. Bernanke sat in front of Bernie Sanders and said "uh no" when asked where the moeny went.

The United States will not address chemical spraying by high altitude jets known as chemtrails. They will not say whether they are geoengineering, seeding clouds or spraying white powder to test whether they can use Zyclon B on you next as unelected Obama science czar John P. Holdren's writings indicate he wishes.

Why ?

Why are you given the same families, the same friends, the same school alums to "vote" for ? It's an unlawful coup. There is no entry and no exit from the slate. You are given a Soviet ballot. You will pick from the approved list.

The USA has been under the latest phase of a coup d'etat, a junta, since 22 November 1963. Does it occur to anyone that the only other plausible attempt was carried out on Reagan by a family friend of the Bushes, John Hinckley Jr. ? Does anyone even know or remember that ?

Does it seem strange that no one has tried, or been successful in such an endeavor, even when they are out of office, given the hundreds of thousands they each killed while in office ?

And the 300 million don't see that the successes were because they were part of a coup d'etat ?

I'm not defending Muammar Gaddafi.

But Gaddafi kissed the Eagle under Bush and the USA never even tried to present its usual spin evidence of terror since. Even the earlier 1986 bombing run and the rest were conducted on questionable grounds. Yet the public allowed thousands of Libyans to die at the hands of more unelected, NATO-run "rebels" that destroyed anything the Libyan leader had built.

That's fine with the corporations that will now go rebuild it.

Now we have protesters in public and whether run by the US regime or not, they're out there protesting. Yet they're being told to protest in a box built by the Germanic and Jewish coup begun against the West in 476 when the "German Odoacer" as Senator Byrd said on 20 September 1993, kidnapped and assassinated Emperors Romulus Augustus and Julius Nepos.

Thinking "who cares, they were Emperors" ? If you were inside the elections you cherish like the sports devised after the Civil War to drain and distract you from watching the government, you'd know elections were a sham to keep the millions quiet. They are manipulated. If you were a earnest political scientist, you'd see through how the candidates don't campaign. How they make idiotic "errors". Their tired appearances. These are all staged techniques to steer you where the Globalist international banker coup wants and if you don't go there, they still controlled the slate to begin with as a fail safe.

The entire West is based on an unlawful coup of 1535 years. The same families are running the scam. They destroyed Rome and reconditioned millions over 15 centuries to reach this point.

The same fools who ran the Middle East operations won't let their own citizens do anything close to what they orchestrated, even though they've now brought in an Egyptian who ran the revolt there for the State Department.

Who decided they're forever, when their rule by force at police gunpoint springs from the overthrow of the lawful Roman Empire ?

I think I made a large mistake in November of 1998. After all, their revolutions (and indeed the Framers of these United States) spring from college educated, often Phi Beta Kappas whose families were once in power and have nothing left to lose.


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