Wednesday, October 5, 2011

End the Fatum Coverup

Koch, did he write you a nice big check to shut up ? What are they paying your brother ?

Alex Jones urges supporters to take to the streets outside branches of the private Federal Reserve bank at locations across the country– not just to protest, but to “occupy” the source of real monetary tyranny in the U.S. The intent is to focus media attention not just on vague calls to ‘reform’ capitalism but to attempt to reign in the shadow banking cartel itself. The corruption of Wall Street is but a symptom of this unaccountable entity that holds a grip over finance, politics and freedom everywhere.

Don't protest the Federal Reserve at the San Francisco Federal Reserve-connected Fatum property in Brewster, Massachusetts.

You might be stabbed there, and then it will go unreported by the Brewster Police and Massachusetts media.


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