Monday, October 24, 2011

Hitler Youth "Pope" demands Bormann Globalist agenda

Semper idem.

The "power spiritual" part of the coup against the Roman Empire has publicly reared its Globalist head under the Hitler Youth Pope, as I warned for two years. The "Holy Father" is now demanding the same course as the temporal Globalists. That course is the Bormann plan of August 1944 that is the work of those Germans who worshiped Arminius, and whose coup plotter ancestors destroyed three Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest... on 11 September 9.

The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises...It called for the establishment of "a supranational authority" with worldwide scope and "universal jurisdiction" to guide economic policies and decisions.

Such an authority should start with the United Nations as its reference point but later become independent and be endowed with the power to see to it that developed countries were not allowed to wield "excessive power over the weaker countries".

It is the Pope who will tell the unenlightened to obey the new master, for a God they made has "ordained" it. The Vatican is an unholy sham built on the destruction of Roman state religion that simply co-opted Roman holiday dates for its own use. And millions should be wary of these plans that mirror those of the Globalists acting under the Bormann group and Gehlen organization when the late mouthpiece is a man who was subjected to fascist brainwashing in his (Hitler) youth.

Indeed, the "Pope" and other employees of the Vatican did nothing but bungle their stories, contradicting each other and finally settling on ordering people not to even ask.

Even though the 82-year-old German pontiff has admitted in numerous interviews that he was drafted unwillingly into the Nazi youth movement towards the end of the war, his spokesman came up with another version.

"The Pope was never in the Hitler Youth, never, never, never,'' Father Federico Lombardi, chief spokesman for the Pope, told a press conference in Jerusalem.

Father Lombardi tried to draw a distinction between pro-Nazi Germans who volunteered for the Hitler Youth and young men, like the pontiff, who were forced to join the anti-aircraft unit but who, he claimed, were not necessarily in the Hitler Youth.

But Father Lombardi’s comments contradicted statements the Pope himself has made.

In the 1996 book “Salt of the Earth”, the Pope told Peter Seewald, a German journalist: “At first we weren’t, but when the compulsory Hitler Youth was introduced in 1941, my brother was obliged to join. I was still too young, but later, as a seminarian, I was registered in the HY. As soon as I was out of the seminary I never went back.”

Late yesterday Father Lombardi withdrew his earlier comments, saying that Benedict had, indeed, been forced to join the Hitler Youth.

I wrote (and in so doing warned) about the splitting of the spiritual and temporal power of Rome, and wielded toward the same goal by a fifteen century-long design months ago. That goal was the destruction of Rome to consolidate power and wealth in a comparatively few families by running humanity through 1535 years of mind breaking reconditioning, through wars of feudalism, religion and nationalism. When satisfied, the fiends would reunify under a Globalist banner.

In Signs of the Times author Laurence M. Vance is doing fine as he discusses that modern churches (say after 1776) aren't meant to be the handmaiden of the military and government... unless they've become state religion, that is.

Because the Roman Emperors had that role too, of guiding the masses through this world into the next as they obeyed Rome, the monkeys now running the planet in open revolt against a thousand of us are employing the tools at this moment that we used.

Churches encourage their veterans to wear their military uniforms. Special recognition is given to those who “served.” Prayers are offered on behalf of the troops, not that they would cease fighting foreign wars, but for God to keep them out of harm’s way and protect them. Mention is made of the troops defending our freedoms.

All used by Rome and substituted by the unlawful 1535 year coup d'etat against the Roman Empire found in families across Europe at this very hour.

Churches decorate their grounds and the inside of their buildings with U.S. flags. Sometimes it is a few large flags hanging from the ceiling or adorning the walls. Sometimes it is many small flags stuck in the ground near the church entrance. Sometimes it is both. Some congregations are asked to recite the pledge of allegiance.

All used by Rome and substituted by the unlawful 1535 year coup d'etat against the Roman Empire found in families across Europe at this very hour.

Churches sing hymns of worship to the state instead of hymns of worship about the person of Christ and his work. Songs like “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” “America the Beautiful,” “We Salute You, Land of Liberty,” and “This Is My Country.” Some churches go even farther and sing “God Bless the U.S.A.” or “God Bless America.” Too many churches sing the blasphemous “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

All used by Rome and substituted by the unlawful 1535 year coup d'etat against the Roman Empire found in families across Europe at this very hour.

Not only did the Vatican assume the title of Pontifex Maximus and use the dates of Roman holidays and feasts that the Europeans were familiar with and governed their calendar, the Vatican passed them on to "Protestants" when that sham was engineered in 1517 to divide the masses some more.

Vance unfortunately also reveals his very questionable bias when he blurts out:

That Christ gave his life for our souls is indisputable, but do American soldiers give their lives for our freedoms? You know, the freedoms we have steadily lost since the troops starting defending our freedoms after 9/11?

A man named Jesus was executed as a criminal, convicted by his own Jewish people and executed by Rome because the Jews claimed they couldn't execute their own under law.

If you say more than that, you are in fact part of the control grid.

You just don't like how it's being used right now to control the sheep.

The real slaying of the golden calf is to slay the man-made bureaucracy of religion that was substituted for Roman state religion as part of the coup d'etat attempted on:

11 September 9
9 June 68
24 August 410

The Germanic and Jewish coup d'etat that was staged through multiple riots and invasions has been in play since 4 September 476.

When will it be their turn ?

Before that, in From Circus to Circus, I said;

They took obelisks brought to Rome as their own to give themselves legitimacy among the masses, and stole the Imperial titles, offices and dates of holidays.

Did God say unto you "take the Roman dates as your own" ?

They're as rich scam artists as the Medici et al. were before them.

None of them are Augustus. They're illegitimate usurpers telling the sheep they'll go to hell if they don't obey their (now) Bilderberg, Rothschild, Solomon, et al. party masters' orders to die for their wealth and power. When they die, they wave magic wands and send the soul to a heaven they can't and don't know.

They're the spiritual side of a coup d'etat against the Roman Empire that took hold in 476 and begun 11 September 9 and leading to assassination on 9 June 68 when they murdered Nero by design.

These select, self-appointed German and Jewish usurpers gained control through Odoacer's unlawful coup d'etat against Rome begun on 22 August 476.

They disassembled the Roman Empire and led humanity through a 1535 year murderous reconditioning sham of war and pillage, accumulating power and wealth for themselves at gunpoint no different than the Gaddafis they say they just murdered.


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