Monday, October 31, 2011

Connecticut fuel fight

From Twitter, 5 hours ago:

End of Days - Wethersfield cops break up fights over fuel on Silas Deane Highway.

Gee, that took less time than I expected or the Mayor of Middletown stated in his honest appraisal. So much for the often cited FEMA 72 hour estimate.

Perhaps the fighters hadn't reviewed yet.

At 11:11 PM on 31 October, thirty one Wethersfield customers total have restored power so far; there are 12,333 to go in that town, alone.

That's pitiful after a day plus; corporations don't care except when they're stealing your money and charge you a late fee. Where's the public late fee for the executives losing 44 transmission lines by neglect as well as weather ?

In 2005, after Merck took my life in 1998 by nearly killing me, I then almost died from staying in a 38 degree building during the blizzard thanks to NSTAR. That was after I gave up when a high school level dispatcher put me in my place for daring to suggest 4 days with no power was extreme with heart failure and cardiomyopathy.

That's why I care.


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