Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Herman Cain, ignorant ass

Mr. Cain:

I'm not given to protests being a conservative, but you are an ignorant ass.

"Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself. It is not someone's fault if they succeeded, it is someone's fault if they failed," the ex-Godfather's Pizza CEO declared.

I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity College in Hartford and was a registered Republican from age 18 with no loans because my parents saved schoolteacher salaries from when I was born.

That means I'm smarter than you are even after Merck that your Globalist Jewish and Germanic friends serve caused my heart to become 85 percent bigger than the normal seen on an X Ray months before they started to attack me for the Bormann group that owns them.

That included two blood transfusions, neuropathy, vasculitis and the near heart transplant that was missed only because I improved slightly.

Why would they do this ? You know what the Russians say is a "wet work", Mr. Cain.

In 1995 I was urged to go to work for a Connecticut member of Congress and then run on their retirement, by her friend, my professor.

She knew my grandmother's friend very well, also.

They actually wanted me to ditch this party now infiltrated with neoconservative, Globalist, Bormann and Rothschild lickspittles, saying it "doesn't matter" anyway.

I refused; they didn't like that. One crazed professor and later acting President let me know it.

My mother's family ruled Rome that your handlers toppled in 476 with their criminal ancestor, Odoacer.

Do watch part 13 of Senator Byrd's lecture on Rome if you need verification of the German takeover and disassembly of what was Rome's.

I know you're too simple to get that, like the other billions, because all you know is the box you were born into built by illegal usurpers.

The Bormann-run Nazi scum at Merck and the two criminals they had execute their plan to stop me from interfering with exactly what you're doing now, included one drug addicted Jewish doctor that was then rewarded, and another Jewish doctor involved with Ft. Detrick.

They rewarded the doctors who were taking care of me after they left the area as well. I was duped.

I did what I was supposed to until I was assassinated starting in 1996, so shut your trap, you ignorant ass.

I blame you and your ilk, Federal Reserve shill.

And unlike your friend George "Soros'" protesters, I am not now and never will be under your control through Adbusters as I sit here gagging and choking on what your President sprayed Cape Cod with (chemtrails) three days ago.


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