Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Geoengineers make rain in Southeast Massachusetts without regard to safety

At right, follow "them" stimulating chemtrails into active rainfall at night on 18 October.

There's basically nothing on the map at 930 PM.

At 935 there's a burst of RF that shows up as returns radiating from the doughnut.

At 940, the energy is falling but the rain starts between 950 and 10 PM.

At 1005, rain appears out of nowhere, all at once. At 1010 it's increased.

Oddly, nothing much changed in the images for an hour, so I skipped them until 1115 and 1120.

By then it's clear that the rain is in straight lines SW to NE, where planes have dumped augmenting chemtrails.

and from FAS

In that process they have no legal right to kill civilians with injuries from their geoengineering chemicals.

Indeed, the very basis of the Constitution that you swore an oath to defend based by Thomas Jefferson on John Locke provides the redress if all else fails.

You know that redress.


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