Wednesday, October 19, 2011

British barristers argue Declaration of Independence illegal

The Declaration of Independence was not only illegal, but actually treasonable. There is no legal principle then or now to allow a group of citizens to establish their own laws because they want to. What if Texas decided today it wanted to secede from the Union?

If so, I'll be on the first flight tomorrow to accept Britannia's surrender to the Roman Empire.

We were first, long before the German usurper family, Gotha Saxe Coburg / Hanover / Windsor / Wales.

Additionally, the British fail in their argument about Texas secession. Texas entered the Union a sovereign republic and can leave when it likes.

They further fail in the argument about Lincoln, walking into the same trap that fools the uninformed into thinking Lincoln (who wanted slaves removed after freedom) was a friend of emancipation, and not simple retaliation. Lincoln doubted whether he had authority to stop secession as did Buchanan. Anything else is propaganda. Indeed, Buchanan did nothing after South Carolina fired on a supply ship on 9 January 1861. It was only the South firing on Sumter on 12 April that gave Lincoln pause to retaliate.

Had the South walked away in a "reverse" siege, there would stand today a Confederate States of America.


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