Thursday, October 27, 2011

Exactly which bondholders were consulted by the Bormann group German establishment ?

After all, you can't have the rough and tumble Rothschilds get angry and start marring their manicures now can you ?

European leaders reached a deal with Greek debtholders on Thursday morning that would see private investors take a 50 per cent cut in the face value of their bonds, a deep haircut that officials believe will reduce Greek debt levels to 120 per cent of gross domestic product by the end of the decade...

“Debt sustainability for Greece can only be established if the private sector participates in a substantial way,” Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said after the deal was reached. “The world had its eyes on us today.”...

You can say Greece accepted it all you want, but what really accepted it is a puppet government of similar individuals, educated in the same places and members of the same groups who feel they have to bow to you for their futures in office.

"They will accept" ? This is propaganda. It's a declaratory statement where there can't be one. You are ordering them to take the writedown "agreed" to by private banks and insurers to give their rulers, your puppets, another forced bailout to hand back to the banks. They accepted nothing. You and the Bormann puppets around you didn't ask the bondholder for their permission.

You didn't check with mom and pop bondholder to actually see if that reduction in thBoldeir investment is OK with them, Angela.

From FT again:

Pierre Gave, head of research at Gavekal, a Hong Kong-based research group, said the Greek deal was “big on words but short on detail”.

“To me it seems like we don’t really have a lot of detail. What is this, the 14th meeting in the last 20 months? I think it’s just more of the same. Europe is going to continue to muddle through but we won’t know the end-game until a year or two from now, whether we will move towards a full-scale fiscal federation or whether we will move to a breakdown of the euro experiment.”

There's the truth. They're just postponing collapse because they're gutless, and collecting more fees and more interest for their banker masters.

At the same time, media reports here ignored this part of the report showing what this is really about as ordained on 10 August 1944:

Further integration
34. The euro is at the core of our European project. We will strengthen the economic union to
make it commensurate with the monetary union.
35. We ask the President of the European Council, in close collaboration with the President of the
Commission and the President of the Eurogroup, to identify possible steps to reach this end.
The focus will be on further strengthening economic convergence within the euro area,
improving fiscal discipline and deepening economic union, including exploring the possibility
of limited Treaty changes. An interim report will be presented in December 2011 so as to
agree on first orientations. It will include a roadmap on how to proceed in full respect of the
prerogatives of the institutions. A report on how to implement the agreed measures will be
finalised by March 2012.

You Germans refused the
European Empire known as Rome under the "South", as you strangely put it
. Take a hint that the South, is refusing yours.


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