Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Let them throw rocks: Bloomberg declares full support for venting hot air

Mayor Bloomberg helped back my months long statement of "let them throw rocks" to tire out protesters like screaming infants so they get tired and take a nap.

“I’m 100 percent in favor of protecting — 1,000 percent in favor — of giving people rights to say things,” Bloomberg told those in attendance...

“There are places where I think it’s appropriate to express yourself and then there are other places that are appropriate to set up a tent city, and they don’t necessarily have to be one and the same.” The mayor told reporters.

This statement is not agreeable:

“We are trying to deal with this is a way that doesn’t make the problem grow and protects everybody’s rights… we’re trying to let this — not ‘play out,’ that isn’t quite the right word, but let them express themselves.” Bloomberg added.'

That view marginalizes protests of any kind, at any time, as hot air and makes them into a mere ceremony like a decentralized modern election where your vote really doesn't count anymore. There you are given the same slate of interconnected candidates like the USSR. You will pick one of them.

They control the field to unlawfully provide stability and conditions favorable to themselves.

It also makes it clear that that "they" will always be in charge whether in office or otherwise.

As I said about the Middle East, the Globalist coup plotter view is to "let them throw rocks" the modern view of "eat cake," to wear out protesters like screaming infants so they get tired and take a nap, thus leaving the same tired hacks in charge.


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