Sunday, October 23, 2011

So many questions, so few answers for such an "open" and "harmless" "research" facility

How is it that every time there's a massive earthquake it's a country that has recently "stepped out of line" in the view of the rest of the lunatics ?

They've been more than "frayed" according to reports.

How is it that anyone would possibly ignore the facts of the patents and construction of HAARP, and the quakes Tesla caused in the very building he was using ?

How is it that every massive quake is preceded by a several hours long HAARP data blackout as seen from after 1600 UTC until 2200 UTC the day before ?

And how is it that every time there's an earthquake we see HAARP receiving a burst of energy at the time as centered on the 1041 UTC Van quake ?

"It's the quake."

Sure. Chicken and egg.

Oh, and say.

Today is another Roman anniversary, the day that Octavian and Antony defeated the assassin of the immortal Julius Caesar... Brutus.


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