Thursday, October 6, 2011

Biden: The "middle class has been screwed" (by him)

Yes Joe. It has. It's been screwed by you and the Kenyan puppet operating under the full command and control of the Bormann group, the Rothschilds, the City, the Rockefellers and the Harrimans, and the Germanic and Jewish fool families in Europe that overthrew Rome, like the "Windsors" and Hapsburgs.

Senator Byrd himself said in his 13th lecture on Rome entered into the Senate record on 20 September 1993 that the "German Odoacer" overthrew the lawful Roman Empire and laid waste to the West for the fools now in charge by unlawful force of arms. He didn't even use the sensitive "Germanic" that I use.

Any fool who thinks they faded away after they bought out the media is just that.

As for Joe, let's see what we have, just in the last few years.

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