Monday, October 17, 2011

Cape Cod weirdo Holdren gassing citizens, wants you exterminated as he makes Investor's Business Daily and Infowars (again)

Romney Gets Advice from Obama’s Creepy Science Czar on Infowars brings what follows from Investor's Business Daily to the attention of those of us who aren't run by the Globalist/ Bormann / Bilderberg/ Gehlen / ODESSA coup d'etat begun on 11 September 9 against my family in Rome.

Land anyone in the hospital besides me, last week, Holdren ? I know what you're doing and so do the doctors.

That's why, given my family and background, I say that you're assassinating me.

Their ancestors assassinated mine. They are therefore unlawful and the fact that they want you exterminated has made Investor's Business Daily thanks to Mitt Romney's stupidity (or desire, who knows).

The GOP front-runner for 2012 sought advice on global warming and carbon emissions from the president's current science czar — an advocate of de-developing America and population control.

Politics is said to make strange bedfellows, but no coupling in our view is more bizarre than when John Holdren, now President Obama's assistant for science and technology, once advised GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on environmental policy.

Holdren's bizarre views are best suited for an adviser to someone like, say, Pol Pot.

He views humanity as a plague on the planet and the Industrial Revolution as a tragic mistake. The fewer people, he believes, the better, and he's not shy about the ways he would use to reduce their number.

America should start by enforcing his views on him and his freeloader WHOI wife.

Let's test them on their family as they gas ours.

As for the Romney relationship with this Globalist Woods Hole nut job, do you really want Romney elevated ? Romney who instructed his staff not to communicate even with Republicans ?

Wouldn't a better choice have been Kerry Healey who knew how to speak to people and didn't deal with a mentally ill man hiding behind a PhD and a career in and out of government ?

It's the same as the difference between Bush and Obama.

Bush staff answered even if you didn't like the answer. Obama staff are too busy guarding his identity. Even if both are Globalist puppets, Bush knew how to keep the peace.

If you'd like to challenge John P. Holdren's thoughts on exterminating your families in his published writings and his wife's, contact them here:

Cheryl E Holdren
11 Old Colony Pl
Falmouth, MA 02540-2401
(508) 548-5266

John P Holdren
11 Old Colony Pl
Falmouth, MA 02540-2401
(508) 548-5266


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