Monday, October 3, 2011

Dear Barack, stop killing me.

Dear Barack

Chris Murphy, who I went to 12 years of Wethersfield Public Schools
with, appears to have made a tragic mistake endorsing you.

I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Trinity College in Hartford,
Connecticut so you could murder me, apparently.

I'd like to thank you for bombing Cape Cod with jet released chemical
spray over two days ago.

I'm having a massive asthma attack, and choking up mucous to the pint
I have a headache from choking.

I can't imagine that the goal of a healthcare oriented Congressman
like him would endorse you continuing to kill and maim citizens with
the fraudulent airborne spraying you are perpetuating.

You are acting unlawfully. Forget your retroactive fraud laws, I've
read them all.

I don't have to die for your fraud and I won't.

We ruled Rome. I think I already proved this in my last missive.

Who are you to kill me off ?

What do the Geithners think of breathing this when they're at their
house in Orleans ?

No one would dump chemicals over your head. Who are you to do it to us ?

You're going to stop these illegal acts.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Eleven minutes after this was sent, the corrupt, Globalist protecting Brewster Police (still no press release for the stabbing at Federal Reserve connected Arthur L. Fatum's house) felt the need to chat back and forth off-air.

Cui bono ?


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