Sunday, October 2, 2011

Protesters work with police and fail to understand- they'll shoot you for no reason if ordered

These riots are staged.

The nice college students don't understand rough men with no brains yet (as opposed to rough men with brains).

Those UN suck ups in 1994 are your current street level police.

In fact, one could posit that the pepper spray in NYC by the Italian traitor to my family's Empire was staged.

A group of about 15 volunteers helped coordinate the event by getting permits and working with the Los Angeles Police Department, although no one would claim the title of being the group's leader.

Why would you work with criminals that serve the coup d'etat ? So you can go get jobs with Democrats later on ?

Even in this town and state, the Federal Reserve crony Arthur L. Fatum whose property was host to a stabbing isn't being reported on.

You might think you're cute getting permits to exercise the First Amendment and sucking up to the Norman Rockwell image wearing body armor that they outlawed for you, but 46.2 million aren't going to play your Obama orchestrated game much longer.


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