Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Out of touch "Soros" thinks his protesters are businessmen

Is this old fool descended from Marie Antoinette's family, or just backwards peasants ?

Globalist Rothschild agent George "Soros" (minted in the tradition of agent J.P. Morgan who owned only 19 percent of his holdings at his death) is worried, but not for the 46.2 million he wants to deliver his historically special notices to:

”I think I can sympathize with their views,” said Soros. “Actually I can understand their sentiment, frankly … since they were relying on that credit to run their businesses an awful lot of them actually were put out of business.”

Businesses ! You think the protesters you set up through Adbusters are businessmen, you out of touch old fool ?

What are 46.2 million like us doing ?

Cleaning toilets instead ?

There was a seat for you at Nuremberg, George, but you were too young.

I know what you really did.

Schwartz György.

As only one of many examples of the ongoing syndicate, here's an article from the New York Times on 9 July 1915, two years after Morgan's death.

That's $7,510,000,000 in 2011 using the relative share of GDP, handed out by the Rothschilds and JP Morgan.

Do you understand the money they are hoarding by now ?

They're not your friends, and they want you dead now, as they did your grandparents in 1941 and your great-grandparents in 1914.


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