Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What would Ottaviano Augusto do ?

Imagine the insolence of Moody's and Standard and Poor's rating governments for loans that the governments are strong armed into taking. so that interest rates may be raised ?

Both companies will collapse without the ratings of the very governments they seek to destroy.

They are criminal corporate members of the Germanic and Jewish family-run coup in place since 476 and dating to the assassination of Caesar in 44 BCE.

Imagine the foolishness of the people to accept that a government be rated by a corporation with an agenda.

Is this what happened to the two greatest Republics and Empires on earth, thanks to the 1535 year long coup d'etat run by the ancestors of the very companies doing the downgrading ?

Imagine if Octavian was "downgraded".

How did we exist without their corporate treachery ?

He would have marched an Army into the city doing the damage and crushed them for their insolence.

Imagine if Washington, Jefferson and Madison were "downgraded" by these fools.

How did we exist without their corporate treachery ?

Washington would have marched an Army into the city doing the damage and crushed them for their insolence. Witness the Whiskey Rebellion.

Nothing has changed when your very survival is threatened by these dogs. Engage them. Stop being "nice" to them.

We owe these anti-Roman usurpers on both sides of the Atlantic nothing.

Crush them.

They aren't government.

And let any fool profiting including loyalist employees that are traitors to government be crushed with them.

Corporations don't rate the governments that protect, host and stupidly, bail them out.

Destroy these rating agencies using every means at the disposal of the population.

They exist only to run up the profit margin for the Rothschilds and their puppets, and the Bormann group and its puppets.


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